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Never Miss a Beat: Introducing AI Auto Reframing

Growth Strategies
Jun 26, 2024
Never Miss a Beat: Introducing AI Auto Reframing

Ever watched a video only to discover awkward frames where you could hear someone speaking, but no one was in the frame? Or have you ever edited a long video that had different cameras and angles, so you had to often match frame by frame, to make sure the speaker was in the centre of the screen? These details disrupt the flow of the clip and can be frustrating to fix.

For that, we have the perfect solution. Introducing AI Auto Reframing, a game changer new feature that uses artificial intelligence to keep your viewers focused on what matters most: the speaker.

Say Goodbye to Dead Space

Gone are the days of editing headaches with random empty spaces in your videos. When creating video content (or any content for the matter), your #1 priority should always be ensuring your message is clear and engaging. This is especially true for short-form content on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels.

Tools like ClipGOAT, an innovative AI Shorts Editor, offer features like AI Auto Reframing that automatically identify the speaker in your videos. This means no more awkward edits or surprise empty space when you resize or crop your video for different social media platforms.

Seamless Resizing Made Simple

Imagine editing a video and never having to worry about accidentally cropping out the speaker during resizing. With AI Auto Reframing working in conjunction with AI Clipping, this dream becomes reality. AI Clipping takes the information from the reframing process and intelligently clips the video to maintain the speaker as the centre of attention, even after resizing for different aspect ratios. This means you can confidently format your video from landscape to portrait without sacrificing clarity or flow.

Whether you're a social media pro or a casual content creator, AI Auto Reframing and AI Clipping work together to simplify the editing process and ensure your message is always delivered flawlessly.

Focus on Your Message, Not the Editing

Creating engaging video content shouldn't be hindered by technical editing hurdles. AI Auto Reframing takes the boring work out of keeping your speaker in focus, allowing you to spend your time and energy to creating a compelling message. With AI handling the technical aspects, you can focus on what truly matters – delivering a clear, captivating video experience for your audience. So ditch the editing headaches and embrace the power of AI to elevate your video creation process.

In the age of short attention spans and overflowing content feeds, efficiency and audience engagement are key. AI Auto Reframing, paired with AI Clipping, allows you to achieve both. No more wasting time on tedious edits or worrying about awkward empty spaces. Let AI handle the technical nitty-gritty while you focus on creating your message.

Ready to ditch the editing headaches and experience the magic of AI-powered video creation? Head over to ClipGOAT today and see how AI Auto Reframing can revolutionise your workflow. Sign up for a free plan and start creating flawless, captivating videos that keep your viewers glued to the screen!

Try it for FREE today

Create Engaging Shorts, TikToks, and Reels Easily from a Single Long Video with Our AI-Powered Editor!